
Anto Paroian is a South African, Cypriot Armenian, born and raised in Johannesburg, who is currently residing in Cyprus. Intrigued by human behavior and the study of human deception, Anto decided to become an internationally recognized Truthologist, specializing in deception detection, micro-expressions, verbal and non-verbal communication, cross-examination skills and statement analysis. He is currently a sought-after Public Speaker, Coach, and Trainer for professionals, organizations and institutions in a wide variety of fields, including Human Resources, Sales, Law Enforcement and Legal Services.

Anto is the CEO of IdealCoaching – a soft skills company specializing in the study of Body Language, Emotional Intelligence and Objection Handling and the use of these skills as powerful tools for succeeding in life as professionals.

Described by his clients as “Igniting People’s Greatness”, “professional”, “detail-oriented”, “an outside the box individual” and “passionate”, Anto adapts his coaching process to the culture of each professional and organization, as well as to their unique requirements and expectations, through his personalized hands-on attention, to ensure success. His solid
background from working in countries like Australia, Belgium, Cyprus, the Netherlands, South Africa and the United Kingdom, together with his extensive experience in sales, business development and management in global leading companies, such as ARK36, Albourne Partners, Aspen Trust Group, Bartercard and Unibind, help him to identify, assess and meet the real needs of professionals seeking to excel in their field of expertise.


A Micro Expression is a facial expression that occurs within a fraction of a second and is a totally involuntary emotional leakage that reveals a person's true emotions and thoughts.
Statement Credibility Assessment & Practical Evaluation refers to the efforts to determine truthfulness with any written or verbal statements.
Forensic profiling is the study of trace evidence in order to develop information which can be used by police authorities. This information can be used to identify suspects and convict them in a court of law.
Many ask the question: ” What does an Elucidationist do?” Let us look at the word Elucidation before we discuss what an Elucidationist do, and how to obtain a Diploma in Elucidation.
Truthology is the study of truth, lies, and deception by humans in written and verbal statements. The reasons why humans lie, how they lie as well as written and verbal methods to detect truth, lies, and deception in everyday conversations.
There are many different types of reports, including business, scientific and research reports, but the basic steps for writing them are the same.
Criminal Profiling is research and proof on deductive profiling methods developed by professional criminal profilers. Deductive profiling is different because it does not involve averaged, statistical profiles.
When you think of the term political science, you might think of presidential campaigns, political parties or policy analysis on the evening news.
Conflict is an inevitable part of organizational life. This course is meant for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the processes involved in conflicts and their knowledge of how to manage them constructively.
This course provides a comprehensive analysis of research, theory and practice in the key skill areas of communication such as non-verbal communication, persuasion, listening, and other linguistic difficulties.
The objectives of this course is to identify the essential characteristics of interviews, while examining the growing roles of technology in conducting and participating in interviews.
Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior which is a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such as human development, social behavior and much more.


Anto is a high caliber professional with excellent communication skills. While working closely with Anto for a few years, he showed his talents and over achieved the general expectations of him. His long-lasting relationships help him to build trust and confidence with any clients. He is always willing to give 110% and I would endorse Anto for any position within any firm.
Anto is a high caliber professional with excellent communication skills. While working closely with Anto for a few years, he showed his talents and over achieved the general expectations of him. His long-lasting relationships help him to build trust and confidence with any clients. He is always willing to give 110% and I would endorse Anto for any position within any firm.
Anto is a high caliber professional. He has a very good interpersonal and communication talent which allows him to build solid and long-lasting relationships. He is always willing to give 110% and would be a valuable asset to any firm.
Anto is a high caliber professional. He has a very good interpersonal and communication talent which allows him to build solid and long-lasting relationships. He is always willing to give 110% and would be a valuable asset to any firm.
Anto has such a deep knowledge of what he teaches, together with an absolutely different and unique way of explaining things, that every workshop or every session with him is really amazing and I can't compliment him enough to anyone I know to use his services and have his knowledge transferred to them.
Anto has such a deep knowledge of what he teaches, together with an absolutely different and unique way of explaining things, that every workshop or every session with him is really amazing and I can't compliment him enough to anyone I know to use his services and have his knowledge transferred to them.

I was skeptical at first as there are many people out there that do what Anto does, but after just 4mins of talking with him, I was very impressed in what he knows and how he delivers his knowledge to others. That is one of the main reasons why I keep coming back for more, to learn and develop myself in all aspects of human behavior, which helps me in my role as HR Manager. Anto, you are amazing and I would recommend absolutely anyone to use your services.

I was skeptical at first as there are many people out there that do what Anto does, but after just 4mins of talking with him, I was very impressed in what he knows and how he delivers his knowledge to others. That is one of the main reasons why I keep coming back for more, to learn and develop myself in all aspects of human behavior, which helps me in my role as HR Manager. Anto, you are amazing and I would recommend absolutely anyone to use your services.

I attended a seminar on how to succeed in a job interview. Anto was inspiring and a very good presenter. I felt free to ask whatever I wanted. The environment was very nice. I really enjoyed the role-playing tasks that we did at that group, back then.

I attended a seminar on how to succeed in a job interview. Anto was inspiring and a very good presenter. I felt free to ask whatever I wanted. The environment was very nice. I really enjoyed the role-playing tasks that we did at that group, back then.

I enjoyed the session very much! It was interesting to hear how different body languages could mean many different things. It was very informative and I was grateful that it could be tailored to help with certain aspects in our daily lives. Furthermore, it was done well and I constantly felt intrigued and I enjoyed that it did not feel like a mechanic 1sided conversation but that you could talk back and forth about it. I hope that is not too much detail.
I enjoyed the session very much! It was interesting to hear how different body languages could mean many different things. It was very informative and I was grateful that it could be tailored to help with certain aspects in our daily lives. Furthermore, it was done well and I constantly felt intrigued and I enjoyed that it did not feel like a mechanic 1sided conversation but that you could talk back and forth about it. I hope that is not too much detail.
Believing in yourself it's not enough to get to the next big step, or to make the right decisions at the right time. But having someone else believing in you, supporting and guiding you with his professional background and experience, is the best boost up to lead you to the best possible position or decision you can have. That & what happened to me with Anto. Thank you, Anto once again for being there for me all these years!
Believing in yourself it's not enough to get to the next big step, or to make the right decisions at the right time. But having someone else believing in you, supporting and guiding you with his professional background and experience, is the best boost up to lead you to the best possible position or decision you can have. That & what happened to me with Anto. Thank you, Anto once again for being there for me all these years!
I met Anto 3 years ago at a seminar which he was a guest speaker at and that was enough to make me want to have one to one sessions with him. What drives my curiosity during our sessions is that he knows his subject matter very well and proves it by his coaching methods and his knowledge with real-time/real-life examples. If you are looking to expand your knowledge on body language, lie detection, micro-expressions, etc for professional purposes or just for the every days challenge like me, I highly recommend Anto!
I met Anto 3 years ago at a seminar which he was a guest speaker at and that was enough to make me want to have one to one sessions with him. What drives my curiosity during our sessions is that he knows his subject matter very well and proves it by his coaching methods and his knowledge with real-time/real-life examples. If you are looking to expand your knowledge on body language, lie detection, micro-expressions, etc for professional purposes or just for the every days challenge like me, I highly recommend Anto!

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    +357 99 355 994
    #121 Prodromou Street, Hadjikyriakeion Bld, Office #5, 7th floor, Nicosia, CY-2064