
Anto Paroian is a South African Armenian, born and raised in Johannesburg, who is currently residing in Cyprus. Intrigued by human behavior, the study of truth, how and why humans lie, and their motive behind their deceit, Anto decided to become an Expert Master Trainer Deceptionologist, specializing in deception detection, micro-expressions, verbal and non-verbal communication, cross-examination skills, and statement analysis. His acumen in this field and his fascination with reading and understanding humans have turned Anto into a sought-after Public Speaker, Coach and Trainer for professionals, organizations and institutions in a wide variety of fields including Human Resources, Sales, Law Enforcement and Legal Services.

Anto is currently the CEO of The IdealCoaching Group, a Cyprus based entity that deals with teaching, coaching and mentoring key executives and business owners in much needed soft skills such as Body Language, Emotional Intelligence, Objection Handling, Communication, Self Awareness and many more which are much needed powerful skills to have and perfect for succeeding in life as a professional.

His extensive expertise in the corporate and financial sector helps ensure a good fit and spirit of partnership with executives and industry professionals – enabling an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect, that facilitates effective training and coaching. Anto often works with business executives to increase their Emotional Intelligence, which has been proven to be the most significant factor in differentiating top leaders from the rest.

Described by his clients as “Igniting People’s Greatness”, “professional”, “detail-oriented”, “an outside the box individual” and “passionate”, Anto has been praised for his integrity, his insightful questions, problem-solving skills, and the humor and energy he brings to the table. Through his personalized hands-on attention to ensure success, Anto adapts his coaching process to the culture of each professional and organization, as well as to their unique requirements and expectations.

During his early life and career, as a highly self-motivated individual, he followed a rather challenging path to get to where he is today. His solid background from working in countries like Australia, Belgium, Cyprus, the Netherlands, South Africa and the United Kingdom, together with his extensive experience in sales, business development and management in global leading companies, help Anto to identify, assess and meet the real needs of professionals seeking to excel in their field of expertise.

Anto acquired valuable knowledge and grew as a professional by reading relevant books, observing other professionals, taking advice, and most of all, by following the fundamental method of trial and error.

At the tender age of just 4years old, Anto developed a keen interest in learning and playing chess, progressing onto participating in local school competitions. He then went on to receive a Pawn Diploma from the South African Chess Federation at the age of 10 and he previously held an Elo Class B, Category 2 (1799–1900) chess rating. Needless to say, The Queen’s Gambit is one of his favorite Netflix series.

Career History

Anto Paroian, Deceptionologist, Statement Credibility Analyst and Soft Skills Trainer

CEO of IdealCoaching. Anto coaches and trains executives and professionals who are motivated to be the best and excel in their field of expertise. He also provides professional contracted services to organizations and institutions on a short-term and long-term project basis, both domestically and internationally.

Albourne Partners - Due Diligence Analyst, Head of MoatSpace, Head of Data

A global player in alternative investment consulting – where Anto successfully deployed his talent and skills for 12 whole years. He grew his team from 4 to 20 people, training and mentoring them daily. What was most impressive about Anto’s work wasn’t the variety and complexity of tasks he dealt with successfully, but his unparalleled skillfulness in taking his colleagues to the next level – promoting six people from his team into other departments – a record that was literally unheard of in Albourne Partners before him.

Aspen Trust Group - Client Liaison Manager, Operations Manager for Sage

Having acquired a solid background in Sales, Management, Networking and Coaching, Anto joined the Aspen Trust Group. His role there was to find new clients who were interested in using Cyprus as a tax jurisdiction. His excellent interpersonal skills helped him overachieve his goals, so he soon moved into the Software Development company within the group, dealing with the UK’s bestselling accounting software called Sage.

Bartercard - Sales Manager, Business Development Manager

The world’s largest cashless trade exchange network. After Interviewing, Hiring, Building and Mentoring his sales team from the ground up, Anto then promoted his best salesperson to the Sales Manager role, whereby he took on the Business Development role to ensure that coaching and mentoring was consistent across all the sales teams. During his time at Bartercard, Anto also obtained 1st place within the Sales BootCamp held in Sydney, Australia.

Unibind - General Manager

A world leader in thermal binding and document accessories. Anto established the Unibind distributorship in Cyprus. In doing so, he had hands-on experience from logistics to sales, all the way to administrative duties and responsibilities, while bringing in key accounts, the most prestigious being the Municipality of Nicosia, Cyprus.

Education and Professional Affiliations

Master Trainer, Non-verbal Communications
Diploma in Micro Expressions
Diploma in Deceptionology and Statement Analysis
Member, IMEXA (The International Micro Expressionists Association)

Mission Statement

I coach decision makers to understand the power of non-verbal communication and to highlight the importance of word analytics and lie detection markers in every day business.

Motive & Goals

Anto is completely committed to helping passionate professionals like YOU to be the best in your field of work. Are you ready to be taken behind the scenes of Deceptionology?