What We Can Offer You

Anto adapts his coaching process to the culture of each professional and organization, as well as to their unique requirements and expectations, through his personalized hands-on attention to ensure success.

A Micro Expression is a facial expression that occurs within a fraction of a second and is a totally involuntary emotional leakage that reveals a person’s true emotions and thoughts.


Statement Credibility Assessment & Practical Evaluation refers to the efforts to determine truthfulness with any written or verbal statements.


Forensic profiling is the study of trace evidence in order to develop information which can be used by police authorities. This information can be used to identify suspects and convict them in a court of law.


Many ask the question: ” What does an Elucidationist do?”

Let us look at the word Elucidation before we discuss what an Elucidationist do, and how to obtain a Diploma in Elucidation.


Deceptionology is the study of truth, lies, and deception by humans in written and verbal statements. The reasons why humans lie, how they lie as well as written and verbal methods to detect truth, lies, and deception in everyday conversations.


There are many different types of reports, including business, scientific and research reports, but the basic steps for writing them are the same.


Criminal Profiling is research and proof on deductive profiling methods developed by professional criminal profilers. Deductive profiling is different


When you think of the term political science, you might think of presidential campaigns, political parties or policy analysis on the evening news.


Conflict is an inevitable part of organizational life. This course is meant for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the processes involved in conflicts and their knowledge of how to manage them constructively.


This course provides a comprehensive analysis of research, theory, and practice in the key skill areas of communication, such as non-verbal communication, persuasion, perception, impression, assertiveness, self-concept, listening, and other linguistic difficulties.


The objectives of this course are to identify the essential characteristics of interviews, distinguish interviews from other forms of communication, identify and discuss traditional types of interviews, and examine the growing roles of technology in conducting and participating in interviews.


Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior and cognitive processes.
